Mobility is currently dominated by a number of powerful trends. Urbanization and de-carbonization are calling for new concepts. Autonomous driving, electromobility, car sharing and ride hailing business models, and digital information and communication technologies have begun to fundamentally change the landscape. Beyond sustainability, competition is increasingly focusing on all-encompassing service, maximized use of drive time, digital real-time economy and deep integration within the internet of things.
Here, artificial intelligence is finding some exciting and challenging application areas - under the hood and quite visibly at the surface, alike. Beyond industrialization of state-of-the-art sensor technologies, advances in machine learning and computer vision are behind all but most breakthroughs in autonomous driving. Means to organize personal mobility and intelligently deliver a wealth of digital services along the way are increasingly based on automated algorithms. And cognitive capabilities are promising to let the robots in our cars interact with humans in a natural, intuitive way.
At the same time, cities have started to organize procedures, let alone traffic management with the help of big data analytics and predictive alogrithms. And artificial intelligence is poised to touch almost every aspect of future societies.

The BMW Summer School format comprises keynote presentations from executive-level speakers, ideation workshops, technical expert presentations from industry and academia, moderated panel discussions and PhD poster presentations. During moderated PhD challenge group discussions and idea creation workshops, innovative visions and applications, conceptual, sociological and business changes shall be discussed that are to be expected with the rise of fully-connected vehicles in the Internet of Things. Awards for the best PhD posters and outstanding proposals from idea creation workshops or challenge group discussions will be presented during the closing ceremony.
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