Complete call for contribution


The future of intelligent cars has just begun – help shape it during this exciting summer school.

This year, the summer school will turn the spot onto the topic of trust and safety in artificial intelligence, a broad field of discussion and growing relevance at the crossroads of technology, psachology, product safety, law, economics, and ethics. We will look into it with a special emphasis on challenges and opportunities for applications of AI in mobility.
An exciting roster of speakers is under preparation - please find a copy of the 2024 program here for download, an updated version with the 2025 schedule will be available soon.

What is trust? What creates and influences trust in a system? How must a technical system or product be designed to be trustworthy? How do we extend concepts of product quality and safety when introducing machine learning algorithms? What is SafeAI after all and how do we verify and validate reliable performance of neural networks? How can we prove algorithmic behaviour in safety-critical systems? What measures need to be taken in coporate processes to ensure trust and safety in AI-powered approaches? What challenes ne to be expected in governance and oversight?

We are soliciting original poster contributions on all aspects of trust and safety in artificial intelligence and relevant applications in mobility.

We are inviting international PhD students and young researchers with a keen interest in shaping the future of urban living and individual mobility to submit their poster. The BMW Summer School is encouraging multi-disciplinary discussion and hence is calling for contributions from all fields – from computer science to electrical engineering, from economics to law, from architecture to sociology, from psychology to philosophy.

BMW Group, EURECOM and TUM solicit original, high quality and highly innovative posters (not full papers) from PhD candidates in the following categories:

Trends in Artificial Intelligence

Urbanization and Future Urban Living

Smart City and Smart Urban Traffic Solutions

Connected Urban Living


Economic Benefits of AI

Societal Challenges and Opportunities of AI

Human Centric Interaction Design

Autonomous Systems

Psychology of passengers (in autonomous vehicles)

Machine Learning for Demand Prediction

Data Analytics for Smart City Traffic Management

Challenges and opportunities of automation and algorithmic control

New Business Models and Customer Ecosystems

Consciousness, Human Mind and Ethics of Artificial Intelligence

Next-generation Networks / 6G

Semiconductors, AI accelerators, HW-SW-Co-Design

New Space, Non-Terrestrial Networks, Space Business Models and Future Mobility


The BMW Summer School is a full week event hosted at abovementioned venue. Full room and board are included in your registration fee.

Ph.D. Candidates:                               720,- €
Regular participants including Post-Docs, Professors, and Industry:                               997,- €

Special discount registration fees available for members of ACM German chapters and IEEE Vehicular Technology Society:

Ph.D. Candidates:                                                                                                        640,- €
Regular participants:                                                                                                        890,- €

Submit your poster.

We are seeking multi-disciplinary interaction, hence are encouraging contributions from a broad number of fields such as software developers, engineers, psychologists, IoT evangelists, urban sociology and culture, urban development, business management / service management, multi-modal mobility, digital transformation experts, AI experts, and futurologists.

Contributions will be as single poster to be presented during the summer school. Submission are required to be full poster submissions. The poster, a 1-page description of your research activities, a letter of motivation, together with a short CV (including list of publications and/or academic achievements) is to be submitted to: Easychair.


Participation in the BMW Summer School is subject to a review process, to assess qualification and relevance of your submission.

Submission Guidelines:

All papers must be original work, but no exclusivity or rights transfer is required for the summer school (i.e. content may be simultaneously submitted to other events, journals or conferences).

The following paper categories are welcome:

Posters describing original work, ideas, concepts in the area of urbanization and digital mobility with a praticular focus on applications of IoT, artificial intelligence, deep learning and advanced analytics, their benefits and challenges.

Full applications require:

- Title and abstract of your poster

- Full poster (formatted for DIN A1, PDF document format)

- Keywords to describe your work

- Short CV, including list of publications and/or academic achievements (PDF document format)

- Research statement - description of your PhD topic (PDF document format), max. 1 page

- In case you apply for a (partial) grant, i.e. travel support or conference fee waiver:

- letter of motivation including a short explanation of your need because of which you are applying for a grant, max. 1 page (PDF document format)

- support statement by your academic supervisor elaborating on your achievements and confirming the need for financial support (PDF document format) 

The submission process is handled via easychair. Once you have prepared all the requested documents, you can apply via the link below. For your submission, you will need an easychair account: if you do not have one, you will automatically be invited to create it. When adding a new submission, please fill in the title, the abstract and the keywords in the designated fields in the submission form, and upload the remaining requested documents as PDF attachments.

Submission Deadline: registration for posters will close on March 31st, 2025. In case of acceptance, you will be contacted with further instructions on how to upload the camera ready version of your poster, that will be included in the summer school proceedings.

Acceptance Notification: Acceptance notifications will be sent out on April 14th, 2025

The submission will be via Easychair


Partial travel grants and registration fee waivers are available and will be awarded by BMW Group.

Grants are made to help eligible students to attend the BMW Summer School. Each grant covers the stay of one student in the official hotel, by a complimentary waiver of the registration fee covering full room and board. There is a limited number of grants and therefore will be offered on a competitive basis. The Scientific Committee will decide on grants based on the material submitted (see APPLICATION above). The order of poster submission will be accounted for, so that earlier submissions will have higher chances of winning a grant. Only authors of an accepted poster to the BMW Summer School 2023 are eligible for these grants.

In case you intend to apply for a grant, please prepare a letter of your supervisor elaborating on your achievements and confirming the need for financial support. This letter may be submitted together with your poster submission, but at the latest after your poster's acceptance to the summer school.

The grant is only intended to cover room costs and board. Applicants are expected to make their own travel arrangements and have other sources with which to fund their travel. Should this not be the case, students may also apply for partial travel grants.

Page Overview: Call & Registration